Tianjin Cn-Gabion Co., Ltd.

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You are here: Home > PRODUCTS >> Marine Products >> Traps and Nets
  • Cast net

    Cast net   Cast nets are designed with a circular shape and weighted edges, which allow the net to spread evenly upon being thrown. Once cast, the net sinks quickly to the bottom, trapping fish in its mesh. Typically made from nylon , polyester , or monofilament , the netting is durable and lightweight, allowing anglers to throw it with ease. The...... Read More

  • landing net

    landing net   Landing nets are designed to assist anglers in catching and lifting fish from the water, especially when the fish is too large or feisty to handle with just a rod. The net is typically made from strong, lightweight materials such as aluminum , fiberglass , or carbon fiber , which provide a sturdy frame while maintaining portability. Th...... Read More

  • drop net

    drop net   Drop nets are designed to be dropped into the water from a boat, dock, or pier to capture fish, crabs, prawns, or other small aquatic creatures. The design features a collapsible frame, usually made from stainless steel , aluminum , or strong plastic , with a durable mesh netting that provides ample space for the catch. These nets typica...... Read More

  • Prawn trap

    Prawn trap   Prawn traps are designed to capture prawns or shrimp by utilizing a combination of mesh construction, baited compartments, and funnel-shaped entrances that allow prawns to enter the trap but make it difficult for them to escape. Made from high-strength wire mesh , nylon , or polyethylene , these traps are built to endure the harsh condit...... Read More

  • crab pot

    crab pot   Crab pots are specially designed traps used to catch crabs in various environments, including coastal waters, estuaries, and shallow bays. Made from high-strength wire mesh , nylon , or polyethylene , these pots are built to withstand the harsh conditions of saltwater and resist corrosion over time. The mesh construction allows crabs to ...... Read More

  • crab pot

    crab pot   Crab pots are specially designed traps used to catch crabs in various environments, including coastal waters, estuaries, and shallow bays. Made from high-strength wire mesh , nylon , or polyethylene , these pots are built to withstand the harsh conditions of saltwater and resist corrosion over time. The mesh construction allows crabs to ...... Read More

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